About Us
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
The Pandosy Neighbourhood Association is a registered non-profit society striving to enhance the lives of residents. We organize neighborhood community events and provide organized two-way communication with City and Council.
Our signature event, the Imagine Pandosy Art Festival brings our community together to enjoy music and art. Our Board of Directors receives and distributes City of Kelowna information and provides an organized way to give feedback to both City and Council.
Our residents care a great deal about Kelowna, the decisions, and how the future livability of our geographic area.

We believe that we all bear the responsibility of providing our opinion to the type of city that we want for our children and their children.
We provided input and accomplished significant changes to the 2040 Official Community Plan
We now work to get a more detailed Pandosy Urban Plan as well as a Sector Plan for the Pandosy/Lakeshore corridor.
We share the responsibility of assisting our city and community with high expectations and livability.
Our 2023-24 Board of Directors:
Paul, Mary M, Robert, Myrna, Jacquie, Mark, Kari-Anne, Stephen
1. There shall be one class of active membership
2. Active members are those persons whose applications for membership have been accepted by the Board of the Association
3. Active membership shall only be open to persons who reside within the boundaries of the Association and who rent/own property therein.
4. Members must be in good standing in the Association
5. Membership shall be limited to two per owned/rented residence 6. Every member shall uphold the constitution and comply with these By-Laws
1. Honorary members shall be those persons who have been elected as such at an Annual General Meeting of the Association in recognition of their valued service on behalf of the Association.
2. Honorary members shall have no vote in the Association and shall not be required to pay membership fees.
3. Honorary members shall not be required to reside within the boundaries of the Association or own/rent property therein
1. A member shall cease to be a member of the association by delivering his/her resignation in writing to the secretary or by mailing or delivering it to the address of the Association.
2. A member may be expelled by a special resolution passed at a General meeting
3. The notice of special resolution for expulsion shall be accompanied by a brief statement of the reason for the proposed expulsion.
4. The person who is the subject of the proposed resolution for expulsion shall be given an opportunity to be heard at the General meeting before the special resolution is put to a vote.
5. All members are in good standing except a member who has failed to pay his current annual membership fee within three (3) months or any other debt due and owing by him to the Association and he is not in good standing so long as the debt remains unpaid
1. General meeting of the association shall be held at the time and place that the board decides and in accordance with the Society Act.
2. Notice of a General meeting shall specify the place, day and hour of meeting, and in the case of special business, the general nature of that business.
3. The first Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held not more than fifteen (15)months after the dated of incorporation and after that an Annual General Meeting Filed Date and Time: July 12, 2018 07:34 PM Pacific Time Society Incorporation Number: S0033884 shall be held at least once in every calendar year and not more than fifteen ()15) months after the last Annual General Meeting.
4. The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held within the sixty (60) days following the end of the first year of the Association at a time, date and place designated by the Board.
5. The Board may when it thinks fit, convene an extraordinary meeting.
6. If the Board receives a written and signed request from ten (10) percent of the total general membership it shall convene an extraordinary general meeting within one month
7. The accidental omission to give notice of meeting to, or the non-receipt of notice by any of the members entitled to receive notice shall not invalidate proceedings at that meeting.
8. A quorum of the transaction of business at a General Meeting shall be fifteen (15) percent of the total active membership but never less than 3 members
1. Voting at general meetings shall be by a show of hands, except when ten (10) percent of the members present request that a ballot vote be taken or, officers of the Association are being elected.
2. Voting by proxy is not permitted.
1. Annual fees for the following year shall be established at the Annual General Meeting of the Association upon advice of the Board and shall be payable within 3 months.
2. Fees may only be raised or reduced at an Annual General Meeting.
1. The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board of Directors who may exercise all such powers and do all such acts and things as may be exercised or done by the Association.
2. The regular affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board made up of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer and six (6) directors elected at large at the Annual General Meeting
3. The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer upon incorporation or as determined by the members shall be the Officers of the Association.
4. Unless otherwise provided by the members present at the Annual General Meeting, the officers may be elected by the Directors from among the Directors at the first meeting of the Directors following the incorporation or Annual Meeting and in the manner approved by the Directors.
5. The directors shall retire from office at each Annual General Meeting when their successors shall be elected
6. Directors who have been out of office for more than two years may once again stand for office at an Annual General Meeting.
7. The directors of the association shall be elected at the annual General Meeting and shall, except for the organizational year of the Association, hold office for two years.
8. In the organizational year, half of their total number shall be elected for one year and the remaining half for two years.
9. In the organizational year, half of their total number shall be elected for one year and the remaining half for two years.
10. In the organizational year half of their total number shall be elected for one year and the remaining half for two years.
11. If the president is unable to complete his term of office he shall be replaced automatically by the Vice-President
12. If any other officer or director is unable to complete his term of office the Board shall appoint his replacement from the active membership of the Association.
13. No member of the Board may accept remuneration for his services to the Association but any members of the Board or of the Association may be recompensed for approved out-of-pocket expenses incurred while performing his duties or tasks for the Association which could involve traveling expenses.
14. A minimum of six (6) meetings per year of the Board shall be held at a time and place set by the Board
15. The board shall have, and shall exercise, all the powers of the Association fully and completely; and can only be limited by the Society Act of the Province of British Columbia.
16. If a member of the Board ceases to be a member of the Association he shall cease to be a member of the Board.
17. The board may by Special Resolution remove a Director for cause before the expiration of his term of office 18. The Board shall assure that none of its members act a Board, General or committee meetings of the Association when a personal conflict of interest exists on any matter under discussion and he shall remove himself from the meeting when the matter is before the members and he shall not vote on the matter.
Committees may be formed by the Board as required to perform special functions and shall be chaired by a Director of the Association or a member appointed by the Board.
1. The president shall chair all meetings of the Association general membership and meetings of the Board. He shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and shall supervise all other Board members in the execution of their duties.
2. The Vice-President shall carry out the duties of the President when he the President, is unable to be present or to do so. In addition, the Vice-President shall carry out special duties as assigned by the President.
3. The Secretary shall: a) keep minutes of all Board and general meetings of the Association b) conduct the correspondence of the Association c) issue all notices of meetings of the Association and the Board
4. d)have custody of all records and documents of the Association except those required to be kept by the Treasurer d) have custody of the Seal of the Association e) have custody of the key to the safety deposit box
5. If the Secretary is absent from a meeting, the Board shall appoint another person to act as secretary at the meeting.
6. The treasurer shall:
a) keep the financial records, including books of account, necessary to comply with the Society Act of BC
b) issue receipts for cash received by the Association
c) render financial statements to the President, the Board and the Association when required
d) render Annual Financial Statements and reports to the President and the Board at least one week prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Association
e) signing officers of the Association shall be appointed by the Board; deeds, transfers, licence’s, contracts and engagements on behalf of the Association shall be signed by the Signing Officers.
f) The treasurer shall open an account at a Chartered Bank, Credit Union or Trust Company as directed by the Annual General Meeting on the advice of the Board
g) A safety deposit box in the name of the Association may be rented at the financial institution if the Board decides it is required.
1. For the purpose of carrying out the objectives of the Association the Board may borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in such manners as approved by a majority of the membership at meetings where the matter be raised. However, debentures shall not be issued without the sanction of a special resolution
2. The Board may from time to time appoint an auditor(s) to hold office for such time period as the Board may determine.
3. The members of the Association may, by a special resolution, restrict the borrowing powers of the Board, but a restriction imposed expires at the next Annual General Meeting.
1. The constitution and its By-Laws may only be revised at an Annual General Meeting of the Association or at a Special meeting of the Association called for that purpose.
2. The membership must receive notice of the proposed changes, the reason for, the date, time and place of the meeting.
The books and records of the association may be inspected by members at any time upon 2 weeks written notice to the Secretary
in the event of winding-up or dissolution of the Association all monies, assets, and properties, remaining after all debts are paid, shall be paid out or transferred to an organization(s) recognized as charitable under the Societies Act of British Columbia at no cost to the recipient.
Robert’s Rules of Order 1990 Edition or the latest revision thereof shall govern all proceedings at Association meetings.