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Pandosy NA regular monthly meetings

As of November 2022, KLONA will publish minutes of our regular meetings.

As of October 2023 our name is Pandosy Neighbourhood Assn

Any member can attend meeting as a guest. Send email to '

PNA Meeting March 14/24

Location: Judy’s Place - 3091 Walnut

Time: 7:30pm


Attendees: Kari-Anne, Myrna, Mary, Paul, Mark, Bea & Abby (Festival) , Jeff - Purppl.

Minutes of Feb 8/24- motion to approve : Stephen as Treasurer. 

                                        Seconded : Mary 


Finance:  Stephen

                              - current balance $5600.00

                              - minus $5000.00 (Purppl)

                Motion to approve: Mary  seconded : Mark    Passed. 


PURPLL  Presentation by Jeff:

    Future Impact - creates belonging in community

                               - more time spent outdoors

                               - feeling of security

                               - more community involved with PNA Assoc

     Needs: -  people & $$

                   - Committees set up w/more members (stronger           feelings of security and Neighbourhood).  

     Fundraising questions: - Business Assoc?

                                                - Business Directory?

                                                - specific direction for funds collected

     Create- a Community Directory (free) to get businesses interested about organization and activities.

                 - a generational connection 

                 - a Directory of events


FESTIVAL - website live

                   -   Bread Co parking lot - Paul will enquire 

                   - Sopa Sq and lot across 

 EVENTS - Bike Week - participation

                  - Farmers Market  Thursdays (parking maybe problem)

                  - Mary suggested perhaps working with Cancer Centre    Rock Garden.


AGM - last week in June.

Next PNA Board meeting April 11 - 7pm Judy’s 

March 14, 2024

Minutes  February 8, 2024: 


Welcome and Introduction:** Special guests from Purppl, a social enterprise advisory group, were welcomed. 
Purppl presented on how they could assist the association in becoming more sustainable and organized through services funded by a grant received from the City of Kelowna.


Purppl Presentation Summary:


Jude introduced Purppl as a social impact coaching and consulting company operating across Canada, specializing in assisting community-based organizations. The collaboration with Purppl was highlighted as an opportunity for organizational development, leveraging a grant from the City of Kelowna. Jude shared her background in community development and events, emphasizing the potential for the neighbourhood association to enhance its community engagement and event management.

Jeff and Segun also expressed their enthusiasm for working with the association, recognizing the community's impact and expressing gratitude for the opportunity to contribute.

Key Takeaways

- Purppl's involvement presents a significant opportunity for the association to grow and become more effective in its community engagement efforts.

- The meeting underscored the importance of financial management, community collaboration, and strategic planning for sustainability.

- The association explores new events and projects to enhance community involvement and visibility.


 2. Resignation of Judy Dennison - A motion was put forward by Dr. Paul Clark motioned to accept Judy’s resignation and appoint Stephen Valentine to her seat on the PNA board. The motion was accepted by Mark, seconded by jacquie - all in favour - the motion passed

The minutes of the meeting 11 were approved.   Dr. Paul Clark set the motion to accept the previous minutes of November 11/23 The motion was accepted by Mark, seconded by Myrna - all in favour - the motion passed.
Stephen will take over the financial overview and balancing of the accounts - We currently have $5435.74- We will meet with TD and add Stephen as a signing authority to the PNA account. Dr. Paul Clark motioned to have Stephen take over the financial/treasure seat. The motion was accepted by Myrna, seconded by Jacquie - all in favour - the motion passed.
We agreed actually to read the Affiliation agreement by February 22/24 and have a meeting to discuss it. We will meet by Zoom on Wednesday, February 28/24, to discuss the affiliation agreement further. 
Paul will send a letter to the city on behalf of the association to better understand the city in person meeting requirements as they did not show up at the January 24/24 meeting.  Jacquie to proofread. 
It was agreed that Mary could be reimbursed $300 for the domain and annual fee for the IPAF 
No event will take place this year hosted by the association as our plates are very full with the Purppl initiative. 

The meeting adjourned at 8:55p.m. 

Minutes Pandosy Neighbourhood Assn

Wednesday, October 11, 7:00 pm at Judy’s


Present: Judy, Jacquie, Mark, Myrna, Paul, Mary by FT, Stephen (guest)

Regrets: Kari-Anne, Robert

Treasurers report submitted Friday Oct 13, $5115.76

  1. Indoor facilities report, AAP for Parkinson:, city has responded to our response letter with conflicting statements of guiding principles used regarding amenities for all areas of the city. They justify a car-centric recreation facility by stating 74% of citizens are willing to travel 20 minutes eventhough Pandosy is walkable and currently lacks recreation facilities or even community meeting space. Public transit is not efficient enough to accomplish a 20 minute commute either. Decided to send a follow up letter pointing out these conflicting principles.

  2. Casorso ATC : Engineering responded to justify their process and stated safety audits are only done on some projects and accessibiliy audits are never done. The city responded similarly but has yet to respond to our second letter requesting partnership with an accessibility audit. Peter will continue with audit we have commissioned and then we can decide the next step. Both engineers and council mentioned the new Accessibility committee and the advocacy channel for this.

  3. KLONA Name has changed is requested through BC societies. No plan for branding change. Friday we close Interior savings account

  4. Festival final report

  5. Association roles, review and determine the strength of our board members to make good choices. See draft roles. – Jacquie has completed the rough draft. Mary M can join by Zoom. This discussion is a continuation of our last meeting. 

  6. Not-for-Profit Workshops: There are two more not-for-profit educational sessions hosted by the City of Kelowna that are coming up, Paul will summarized the first one

  7. Mural installation

  8. Membership Dues Collection: Decision on how to do this. Albert may be assigned to track members and dues that need to be paid. More work needed to explain value.

  9. Ideas for neighbourhood events: Gardening team, climate event, public transit event, 

  10. Comments from Gord regarding NAs: we do need to register as a lobby group. Myrna to call city. He was told about our work on ATC and recited the need for fitness facility in Pandosy.

Adjourned 8:15

Next meeting Nov 11, 4:00-6:00 social and short board meeting at Jacquie’s 

KLONA minutes Sept 7 at Judy’s 7:00


Jacquie, Paul, Judy, Mryna, Robert, Kari-Anne and Mark

Guests: Albert Wisestock and Steven Valentine


7:05 start

Minutes - were moved to be accepted: Mryan1 - Kari-Ann 2 – All in Favour.

Treasurer Report: not complete or presented – waiting until the end of the festival


1. Indoor facilities report, AAP for Parkinson, next step – there was a lengthy discussion a) the survey that went out by the city suggesting that the majority 74% of people surveyed were happy to drive 20 mins to get a centralized location by vehicle. The board decided that we would send a request to find out the contents of the survey and who was surveyed with a breakdown by postal code. b) The board would also like the list of priorities for neighbourhood indoor facilities. c) Discussion also included Policy 305 which Neighbourhood Association wish wasn’t simply eliminated rather reworked d) Paul will also send an invitation to meet with the other Neighbourhood Associations at city hall with Robert Parlane regarding the Strong Neighbourhoods proposed agreement with NAs.


2. Casorso ATC is concerned about design – a lengthy discussion about the visit to the site and the repeated inefficient design compromising use ability and accessibility such as grating issues, no ramps, no access, crossing KLO timing. 


Motion: A motion was put forth by Paul – for KLONA to spend $500+GST to have a professional report drawn up by Peter Truch and presented to the city outlining the serious and potentially dangerous design errors. Moved - Myrna 1 – Kari-Ann 2 – All in Favour. 


3. Groves 6 Story development – very nice – Abbott at Grove is rental only and a separate Newsom condo by the same developer is ownership – Paul met with Paul of Prime Peak Developments, they had an engaging and positive conversation. Most concerns are with the access from laneway and vehicle and bike parking onsite. There are no variances and well within what is allowed for the site.


4. Name change is requested through BC societies, is it worth paying more to rush it through? Plan for branding change. It was decided there was no need to rush and pay more. 


5. Festival update – The next festival meeting is September 12/23 Everything is on track, there was a drop in crafters and artists due to the new date.


6. Association roles, review and determine the strength of our board members to make good choices. See draft roles. – Jacquie has completed the rough draft. Mary M would like to postpone the roll distribution until the outline meets the bylaws. This discussion will be picked up at the next meeting.


7. Patio Standard: The Shore restaurant will be moving the glass barriers on the sidewalk – to allow for better pedestrian access on the sidewalk and to meet the 3-meter standard.


8. Not-for-Profit Workshops: There are three not-for-profit educational sessions hosted by the City of Kelowna that are coming up, Paul would like one of us to attend each meeting as it will be helpful for board knowledge.


9. Mural installation – Motion: A motion was put forth by Paul – for KLONA to spend $400+GST to have the murals professionally relocated and installed in their new home.– Moved Robert  - 1 Judy 2 – All in Favour. –


10. Membership Dues Collection: Albert Wisestock to take over the membership dues – tracking members and dues that need to be paid. – This idea has been postponed until the next meeting




a) Volunteer Fair – September 16th – Myrna to look into a table or share a table at the fair to have a presence and hopefully pick up some new board volunteers.

b) Paul is having breakfast with Stefan from the city Parks, Judy will join him – all welcome – Bread Co on September 8/23 at 10:30 am

c) Jacquie put forth the idea to have a get-to-know-each-other evening – on November 11/23 at her home – everyone to bring an appy – another networking event in January to meet the spouses.


Meeting end time: 8:22p.m.


Next Meeting: Thursday October 12, 7:00

Plan for meetings on 2nd Thursday of each month.

Minutes of KLONA board meeting August 16, 2023, 7:00 at Judy Dennison, 3091 Walnut St.


Present: Paul, Jacquie, Mary, Robert, Myrna, Mark, Kari-Anne, Judy


  1. Banking: monies are being transferred from Interior Savings to TD, current balance of combined accounts with monies yet to come is $9747 with outstanding expenses of $5510 which leaves the real balance as: $4237

  2. Festival: 50 artists and crafters set to attend SOPA square August 27 10-4, with a Paint party for promo bags on August 19 at Painted turtle lot 11-2. Bags are the fundraiser and with 175 left May generate over $1000 still for KLONA. Judy offered to have a sandwich board outside her house by the park to promote our information and activities.

  3. City council,on Strong N report advising pilot program to NAs who sign agreements. At least 3 NAs are already opposed to signing any agreement even without knowing the terms of the agreement. We all agreed we should wait to see the wording first. Apparently some of the basis for NA objection is related to a lack of consideration for public amenity space in NA areas which in our case is lacking. plans and work toward community space to be incorporated in the design. 

  4. Park foliage: A plan was submitted to city park planning to offer NeighbourWoods tree sales to residents to be dedicated to the new waterfront park which brings tree protectors, climate advocates and First Nations together if bought from the First Nations Osoyoos nursery. Several supportive emails from members came as a result of this being in the newsletter. One opposed. We also discussed the success of the wild flowers as ground cover which should be more ubiquitous in our city.

  5. Developments: no further information on Central Mobile Park, suggestion to reach out to Mark who met us previously as a rep for the project.

  6. Satellite Farmers Market: meeting with Market board was positive for a Thursday evening market next year in July, August and Sept. it was suggested it should be earlier in June too. Proposed is 30 vendors.

  7. Murals: first mural is ready for installation next week and will replace current mural on the pump house fence with the grasshopper mural moving to the paddle centre fence by the colourful people.

  8. Christmas Market/Festival: two members are actively considering this event since our board does not have capacity.

  9. KLO Neighbourhood Assn. Name Change: motion by Robert to change our Association name to “Pandosy Neighbourhood Association” Seconded by Mary, unanimous. 

  10. City Alternate Approval Process for rebuild of Parkinson Rec Centre. We question so much money being spent and concentrated on one location while the diverse needs of neighbourhoods to have recreation access within a shorter commute. Resolved Paul should write to Robert Parlane, Stefan Johannson and Tom Dyas to ask for input into new Paddle Centre and a meeting to explain expected amenities for our area. 

  11. Election of officers: we should detail and document areas needing an officer such as city liaison, festival, membership coordinator, youth program rep, and goals for next year. Motion by Robert, seconded by Judy to assign acting roles as President, Paul, Vice President MARK, Secretary Jacquie, Treasurer Mary and an effort to find a neighbourhood accounting firm to provide accounting services and take over the Treasurer role. Unanimous.Jacquie to draw up the first draft of descriptions of the roles an email will be sent out to the team for additions and/or adjustments, a newsletter to go out, outlining the new name and the roles we are seeking to fill. 

  12. Next meeting? Thursday September 7, 7:00 at Judy’s




Minutes – Regular Meeting, Wednesday, May 31, 2023 @ 8:00 pm via ZOOM


Present:  Jacquie, Krista, Mary G, Mary M, Michael, Myrna, Paul, Robert


1.             AGM Wednesday June 28 Kinsmen Park 7:00 pm:  Speakers:  Paul withopening remarks about KLONA priorities; special guest, Mayor Tom Dyas; and Mary M with an update on the Imagine Pandosy Art Festival.

           Krista will email the AGM flyer to all members for distribution in their respective neighbourhoods and on community mail boxes 

           Arrangements still have to be made for putting up an advertising sign for the AGM on the vacant lot at Pandosy and West as was done last year.

           The following Board Members have put their names forward to sit on the Board for another year:  Paul, Jacquie, Robert, Myrna, Mary M

           Jacquie volunteered to collect membership dues at the AGM

           Mary M will bring the KLONA tent.  Jacquie will bring 2 tables.  Paul and Krista will bring the KLONA banner and sandwich board. 

           Arrangements still have to be made for use of a speaker system.

2.             Responsible Alcohol Use in Parks - Pilot Project:  Melanie Steppuhn, Parks Planner, City of Kelowna, gave a presentation on the proposed Pilot Project and noted the main concerns were monitoring the by-law, waste management and enforcement.  With 2/3 of the pilot parks being in the KLONA neighbourhood (Kinsmen and Boyce-Gyro), members voiced concerns about the amount of trash collected and the need of a better system for the diversion of trash and questioned the playground delineation noting that children play in larger areas than shown on Project’s maps.  Melanie noted the concerns expressed and said she would take them back to her department for review. 

3.             Banking change:  KLONA will be changing the bank it currently uses for its business matters to TD Canada Trust.  Jacquie and Mary M will connect with Gord Hopp, TD Canada Trust, to effect the change.

4.              Pandosy Waterfront Park - Grand Opening. Saturday June 24:  Krista will contact Tanya Sletten, Community Development Coordinator, City of Kelowna, to confirm the time of the event and what activities the city is planning to do at the opening.  She will also ask if the neighbourhood association can play a part in the Grand Opening by putting up the KLONA tent and banner. 

5.             Central Mobile Park:  Myrna noted that Mayor Dyas was part of the group participating in a recent neighbourhood bike ride which went past Central Mobile Park.   Myrna spoke with Mayor Dyas and received clarification on the developer’s obligations to the Park’s current residents.

6.             Organization Grant from the City of Kelowna: Paul advised the grant monies are specifically for hiring an organization to help board members effectively run their board. He noted that he has to identify the cost to hire an organization on the application,.

7.             Non Profit After Hours Networking Event:   Jacquie advised that she, along with Mary M and Krista attended the Networking event on May 30 at the Francophone Cultural Centre.  She noted that they spoke to several people on how they themselves, or the organization they represented, could help the KLO Neighbourhood Association. 

8.             Bike Route Input:  Robert advised that the city is currently consulting on future bike routes needed around town.  He noted that Francis Street is the only street within the KLO Neighbourhood Association boundaries marked for future.  Robert further noted that the Casorso Road multi-use pathway will be finished in the next few months.

9.                  Imagine Pandosy Art Festival:  Mary provided an update on the vendor applications received thus far noting that 22 Artists and 12 Crafters have applied.

Next meeting:  TBD



AGM , Kinsmen Park, 7:00, June 28, 2023.


 Welcome, Paul Clark


Chair-person's annual report and KLONA priorities. 


Resolution to adopt the 2022 AGM minutes and treasurers report. Mover Rob, second Mary, unanimous


Resolution to increase membership fees to $20 per household. Moved Mary G, second Michael, unanimous 


Election of officers to be: Robert Stupka, Mary Meenagh, Myrna Germaine-Brown, Paul Clark, Jacquie Bushell, Judy Dennison, Karri-Anne Dennison and Mark Hansen. moved by Myrna second Michael, unanimous.


Close of meeting 7:59


  1. AGM scheduled for June 28th at 7:00pm at Kinsmen. Speakers planned are Mayor Dyas, Robert, Mary and Trevor Empy from Toronto.

  2. Volunteer Fair September 16th at Parkinson’s. Board decided that sourcing volunteers at this fair is too early for next years Imagine Pandosy Festival.

  3. Cameron Park is a no go for the Rugby Club. Question: Would the city repair the building for a community centre for the Pandosy neighbourhood to hold meetings?

  4. Pandosy Waterfront Park Opening. Scheduled for June 24th at 11:00am or noon. Mary, Jacquie and Myrna to plan.

    1. Fence boards can be put up on fence by the Paddle Centre.  Michael has fence boards. Mary and Myrna to meet to cull boards in ill repair and to fix those that can be saved. Early June.

    2. Mary to organize the painting of a mural on the concrete support wall facing the lake. Theme is paddling. Priority in May.

    3. Our mural can be put up on the little building at the park.

    4. Paul getting endorsement for one of the walkways to be called KLONA Way.

  5. Bike Tour – Great success.  Feedback received by Paul and Robert on a variety of items visited at the tour.

  6. Imagine Pandosy Art Festival August 27th from 10:am – 4:00pm. Need more crafters. Planning and funding sources underway. Stober lot graded and suitable for crafters, music and food truck.

  7. Central Mobile Home Park. Myrna indicated that residents are stressed due to lack of information on timing of changes. Board suggested that residents need to go public with concerns to radio and TV. One idea was to have a block party.

  8. Paddle Centre delayed 1 year. Washrooms available to the public once park is open.

  9. Next meeting May 30th. 7:00 Zoom or perhaps live

KLONA Meeting Minutes – April 19, 2023

KLONA minutes of Wednesday March 15, 2023 by zoom. 7:00


Last meeting Feb 16 did not have quorum so no minutes were taken but we spoke about the first 7 issues listed here:o


1. Cameron Park and Rugby club, no new information regarding the joint endeavour.

2. Discussion with city planning was discussed at last meeting with notes taken from the January 5 meeting Paul had with Ryan Smith submitted to him for accuracy and not hearing back, it was then published in our last newsletter.

3. Pandosy Waterfront park should open by July but the fragility of new plantings may restrict access in some areas. Mary, Jacquie and Paul will plan an opening celebration to invite council, city staff and he neighbourhood to. We would hope to get some funding for this.

4. Neighbourhoods United, letter to council to request operational funding for NAs was sent March 1 and at least three other NAs have sent a similar letter.

5. Spring Clean up in April, best to coordinate with KSAN. We will contact Regional Waste Reduction for the clean up kit, date and number participating.

6. Pianos on Pandosy to go either at Gyro Park, by Bread Co or by the painted turtle mural.

7. Event: Art Festival meeting Monday March 20. AGM should be done in shade in June, Mary, Jacquie and Paul to choose a date and speaker. Possible dates: Wednesday evening at Kinsmen Park June 14, 21, 28.

8. Central Mobile Park:  Myrna spoke of council meeting where much was discussed by council regarding the need for a larger sector plan to occur in harmony.  Planning Staff recommendation to proceed with ARP prior to Sector or Pandosy Plan was therefore rejected and was suggested to come back to council when the Urban Plan is announced.  A small group met with Mark, the representative of Kerkoff, but no concrete commitments were made about resident concerns, number and health of trees or the idea of working with SD23 to access property from Barnes Rd.   There will likely be 2200 units created.

9. Kirsten Pulles will join us at 7:30 to discuss public transit and funding: 

Motion by Paul “to sign the petition as KLONA” second by Myrna, passed unanimous.

10. KSAN petition to Save Kelowna Heritage Conservation Areas. It was suggested we get clarification from KSAN as to what exactly is beeping asked since we all understand it’s already a heritage area.

11.. Parks master plan is available for residents to give comment on. We discussed excellent parks planned for Glenmore and Mission.

12. Aqua boat storage facility size complaint. Comparison was made with drawings before build and the boat storage did not look daunting with the taller Aqua complex in behind and the aerial view.

13. A Council tour of the following locations within the neighbourhood was suggested:  Pandosy Area to show Pandosy Waterfront Park; lack of sidewalk on Cedar Avenue; Shore patio encroachment onto sidewalk by Gyro Beach; lack of sidewalks on Swordy; central Mobile Park and it’s mature trees; Casorso Park by Green Square; ATC lack of connection at Rotary; Manteo gate at north end; large boat storage building at Aqua and the lack of ATC on Meikle and Walnut. 

14. Comments received regarding street parking on Springbrook and Springrose Way as a result of Westcorp Hiawatha build.

15. Council Priorities to be presented Monday will be looked at and and letter to be written to council regarding our already submitted Pandosy priorities which are all addressable with a Pandosy Sector Plan.


Adorned 8:33

Next meeting April 19, 7:00 Zoom


Minutes of the November 23, 2022 meeting


Members Present: Mary G, Mary M, Robert, Jacquie, Paul, Krista, Bob, Myrna

Regrets: Michael, Sandra, Larry (guest


  1. Motion to accept minutes of last meeting was unanimous in acceptance

  2. Treasurers report: Bank Balance: $4220.08

  3. Ryan Smith, Planning with the City of Kelowna requested KLONA Board to approve Paul Clark to speak on behalf of the association. Board approval granted with caveat the he be the spokesperson for the remainder of this term as President.

  4. Mission Group 3061 Abbott Street. Paul agreed to speak to Ryan Smith about concerns with traffic, building massing and variances. Request to see design input since there is no Urban plan. Tabled items needing remedy with current developments I.e Shoreline Brewing, Parc Retirement. Etc.

  5. Proposal to be put forth for the city to fund neighbourhood associations. Proposal to be in conjunction with support of other neighbourhood associations.

  6. Proposal to be put forth to the city to create committees involving neighbourhood associations. Paul has connected four resident associations on Face Book to discuss concerns and activities. Slack was suggested as a platform for discussion.

  7. Public Hearings- Mary reviewed with the Deputy City Clerk regulations that changed one year ago. Default is no public hearing if rezoning applications fall with the OCP. Council can hold a hearing if they feel necessary. If Rezoning request is outside of OCP, public hearing is required. Mary forwarded on copy of changes to the Board. Robert and Krists to gather questions for Mary to review with the Deputy City Clerk.

  8. Pandosy Waterfront Park report- Paul recited meeting with Stefan who said early snow put a stop to ground levelling and seeding so this will be done in spring now with expected opening in June. There was a delay waiting for electrical equipment. One item on track is the pier which will have decking put on soon with its design of 30 meters of deck on land and 30 meters over water. Consider public binoculars places on pier by KLONA

  9. Developing a business association for Pandosy/Lakeshore. Paul has looked into this with Tom Dyas in the past. A non-business person would be beneficial to do the communication work with businesses for the benefit of KLONA. Outcome could be business sponsorship of our festival and other neighbourhood projects. Will get name of person who organizes with Rutland Business association and connect Tom and Jacquie with them. Interested businesses are: Grate Cheesery, Creative Muse, Runnaways Lounge, Foods Health and Wellness, Coco boutique.

  10. Debriefing on municipal election-Robert explained the partial success yet still low voter turnout. Name recognition still elected the biggest number of candidates.

  11. Building a Community Kiosk for Pandosy Waterfront Park. Paul has spoken to the Okanagan College to see if their woodworking class can help and has submitted for city grant to fund this. Mary will help with designing something with the art boards we had residents create for the festival and other events we organize.

  12. Board approved minutes of our KLONA Board meetings for 2022 onwards to be posted on our website for view by members.

  13. Meet with Gord Lovegrove at Blenz Friday, December 9th at 2:00pm. He is meeting the community at 3:00pm.. This format is intended to be ongoing.

  14.  Jacquie, a new Block Connector encouraged KLONA Board members to become block connectors. She will write an overview to put in the newsletter.

  15. Mary and Jacquie join Paul and consider changing banks.  Mary and Paul to investigate.

  16. Board approved monthly meetings as the third Wednesday of each month by zoom and 7:00pm. Next meeting is December 21st.

  17. Plan for Quarterly KLONA meetings at Parkinson Recreation Centre. Paul to book a room at quarterly for KLONA public meetings. Board will source speakers for the meetings.

  18. Park by Green Square has not been built yet many of the Green square condominiums are already occupied and with small living spaces. Residents in need of outdoor space. Paul to ask Stefan Johansson.

  19. Examples of priorities KLONA wishes for Council in this term:

  1. Priority for open spaces

  2. Support Neighbourhood Associations

  3. Public amenities as opposed to private

  4. Recreation in local urban centres

  5. Shared facilities with schools

  6. Slower residential traffic, 30 kph

  7. Urban Centre Plan to include streetscape, parking etc.

Next meeting Wednesday, Dec 21, 2022.

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